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Deepening the use of a simple tool is the sacred work of many years. 

Modern society rewards the novel, rewards the easy accessibility to these ever-new sensibilities, making it more difficult for those who are looking for something symbolic in their daily life to find connection and work that remembers the transcendent and eternal.

Today we have access to hundreds of mechanical, optical, digital and electronic devices that ensure the realization of the photographic miracle. But, within all those tools there is no shortcut to the inner realization to that miracle except through one's own dedication to the work and art.

The permanent fire that burns in the old alchemist's workshop indicates the path to philosophical gold through constant, serious and persistent study and experience.

My job is to continually evolve and deepen as a husband, father and human being. And, to bring all I learn in this striving for excellence to the work I create as a Cinematographer. 

I look forward to working with you!

The best is yet to come,

Mario Montero



1- Pau Casals,La fuerza del silencio 2017 | Director: Manuel Huerga

2- Incidencias (2015) | Director: Jose Corbacho y Juan Cruz

3- El Bosque (2012) | Director: Oscar Aibar

4- Amigos (2011) | Director: Borja Manso

5- El Gran Vazquez (2010) | Director: Oscar Aibar

6- La Vida Empieza Hoy (2009) | Director: Laura Maña

7- Jorge drexler Un Instante Preciso (2009) | Director: Manuel Huerga

8- No me pides que te bese porque te besare (2008) | Director: Albert Espinosa

9- Barcelona un mapa (2007) | Director: Ventura Pons

10- Caotica Ana (2007) | Director: Julio Medem

11- Tu Vida en 65 Minutos (2006) | Director: Maria Ripoll

12- La Vida Abismal (2006) | Director: Ventura Pons

13- Amor Idiota (2005) | Director Ventura Pons

14- Iris (2004) | Director: Rosa Verges

15- Platillos Volantes (2003) | Director: Oscar Aibar

16- Gala"Dali" (2003) | Director: Silvia Munt

17- Food of Love (2002) | Director: Ventura Pons

18- Nudos (2002) | Director: Josep Maria Guell

19- Anita no pierde el tren (2001) | Director: Ventura Pons


1- The Long Kill (1999) | Director: Bill Corcaran

2- Lagrimas Negras (1998) | Director: Ricardo Franco

3- Los Amantes del Circulo Polar (1998) | Director: Julio Medem

4- La Buena Estella (1997) | Director: Ricardo Franco

5- En Manos de Una Mujer Madura (1997) | Director: Manolo Lombardero

6- La Pistola de Mi Hermano (1997) | Director: Ray Loriga

7- La Mirada del Otro (1997) | Director: Vicente Aranda

8- Tranvia a la Malvarosa (1996) | Director: Jose Luis Garcia Sanchez

9- Mas Alla del Jardin (1996) | Director: Pedro Olea

10- Libertarias (1996) | Director: Vicente Aranda

11-Airbag (1996) | Director: Juanma Bajo Ulloa

12-Una Casa enlas Afueras (1995) | Director: Pedro Costa

13- Too Much (1995) | Director: Fernando Trueba

14- Dile a Laura que la Quiero (1995) | Director: J.M. Juarez

15-La Pasion Turca (1994) | Director: Vicente Aranda

16-La Teta y La Luna (1994) | Director: Bigas Luna

17- Dispara (1993) | Director: Carlos Saura

18- Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1993) | Director : George Lucas

Second Unit Cinematography.



1- HBO "La Muchacha Que Limpia" 4 Episodes, Mexico (2019) | Director: Albert Uria

2- Cervantes against Lope (2016) | Director: Manuel Huerga

3- The Gronholm Method (2012) | Director: Enric Folch

4- Macia against Companys (2011) | Director: Manuel Huerga

5- Barcelona Ciudad Neutral (2011) | Director: Sonia Sanchez

6- Operacion Malaya (2010) | Director Manuel Huerga

7- Buscando El Hombre Perfecto (2008) | Director: Jesus Font

8- Libro De Familia (2005) | Director: Ricard Figueres

9- Fragmentos (2004) | Director: Judit Colell

10-La Caverna (2000) | Director: Eduard Cortes

11- El Zoo de Pitus (1999) | Director: Mireia Ross

12- Entre El Torb y La Gestapo (1999) | Director: Josep Maria Guell



 1-Candidate Goya Best Cinematography

"El Gran Vazquez" | Director: Oscar Aibar

 2- Candidate Goya Best Cinematography

"Amigos" | Director: Borja Manso

 3- Candidate Goya Best Cinematography

"Platillos Volantes" | Director: Oscar Aibar


Nominacion Best Cinematography Premios Gaudi

 Amor Idiota | Director: Ventura Pons